Guiding Ministry Documents
Sons and Daughters of the Light
In 1996, on the eve of the third millennium, the bishops of the United States promulgated “Sons and Daughters of the Light,” a document on pastoral ministry to young adults. Young adults, who range from 18-39 years of age, make up a large part of the Church and have the potential to contribute greatly toward the Christian mission.
Programming Resources
The California Catholic Conference (CCC)
The official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in California. Advocate with policy makers and the public to advance the Catholic vision of human life and dignity, the good society, and concern for those who are poor and vulnerable. Educates Catholics and the general public, Empower Catholics to put their faith into action consistent with Catholic teaching.
Catholic Volunteer Network
Since 1963, Catholic Volunteer Network has sought to bring together people who have a heart for service. Today, our community consists of volunteer program staff; volunteers and missioners (prospective, current, and former!); colleges and universities; dioceses and parishes; religious communities; lay groups; partner organizations; individuals who are champions for service; and a dedicated staff and Board of Directors.
Exodus 90 (Men)
Exodus 90 is a ninety-day spiritual exercise for men based on three pillars: prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. All three of these pillars are essential aspects of the Christian life. It is for this reason that taking up this spiritual exercise requires taking up all three of these pillars humbly.
Hallow: Catholic Prayer and Meditation App
Hallow is an excellent resource for people searching for deeper spiritual lives, especially the younger generation of Catholics today. It helps make clear that a relationship with God is and can be extremely personal and can be a great source of peace, joy, and strength
Ignatian Young Adult Ministries
The Office of Ignatian Spirituality’s Ignatian Young Adult Ministries initiative is designed around four fundamental Ignatian principles: spirituality, community, leadership, and service. We invite young adults to deepen their faith through the practice of Ignatian spirituality and to live as women and men for and with others.
Loyola Institute for Ministry
Our programs are affordable and take seriously the hopes and experience you bring to your studies. We promote a broad vision of ministry, which holds that it is practiced in explicitly ecclesial contexts–in churches, schools and dioceses–and beyond wherever people of faith live and work.
Building upon Maryknoll’s over 100 years of global immersion experience and service, we offer unique, authentic, grassroots wisdom for those interested in social justice, immersion programs, and walking with our brothers and sisters on the margins, locally and globally, with the support of our faith.
National Advisory Team on Young Adult Ministry
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth (LMFLY) has set up a special ad-hoc National Advisory Team on Young Adult Ministry to serve as nationwide network, resource group, and consulting body to the bishops on young adults and the Church’s pastoral ministry with them.
National Institute for Ministry with Young Adults
Formation for those who currently or will do ministry with young adults, accompaniment for ministry leaders working with young adults and their ministries on the local level, and research and development in the expanding field of ministry with young adults.
Reimagining the Examen by Loyola Press
A fresh and customized prayer app inspired by St. Ignatius’s Examen, a practice that helps you review your day in the presence of God. With unique Examens tailored to your mood, needs, and situation, the app invites you to pray from where you are, wherever you are.