Vote NO on Prop 1!

Dear Youth Ministers, Young Adult Ministers, Campus Ministers and Parish Leaders,

Our Baptismal call invites us to be prophetic voices and protect life in all its stages. Every human life is unique and unrepeatable under God’s eyes.

In CA this year, voters are faced with a choice to keep abortion law in our state as it is or to vote in favor of a new constitutional amendment that would permanently expand and vastly increase abortions in our state, without doing anything to give vulnerable women a real choice. The Catholic Church in California has united to vote no on Prop. 1. We are asking our community to unite and spread the “No on Prop 1” message. We are counting on your support, to go out and vote no on Prop. 1 on November 8, 2022.

Below you will find resources on how you can engage the young people of your parish communities on this important advocacy issue. We invite you to begin with awareness and dialogue about this important issue and to follow-up with specific actions that can come from your young people themselves to spread the “No on Prop 1” message and through the We Were Born Ready Campaign. Youth nights, Young adult sessions, and prayer nights are the perfect place to bring this message forward. 

Stay tuned for future newsletters with additional lesson plans to assist you in planning upcoming youth nights and young adult gatherings around this advocacy topic.

What is proposition 1?

Proposition 1 would enshrine the explicit right to abortion in our state constitution, setting a nationwide precedent. It is the most egregious expansion of abortion this country has ever seen. It’s also the first time ever that CA voters are being asked to vote for unrestricted late term abortion, ending any real chance for California to protect unborn life in future laws. 

Proposition 1 is a worst-case scenario for abortion in California. It is an expensive and misleading ballot measure that allows unlimited late-term abortions — for any reason, at any time, even moments before birth, paid for by tax dollars.

Prop 1 isn’t needed. Sadly, California already has some of the most permissive abortion laws in the nation, but with reasonable limits on late-term abortions — which will still be allowed without the amendment for the life and health of the mother. Prop 1 destroys this common-sense limit. This extreme law allows late-term abortions at taxpayer expense for any reason up to the moment of birth — even if the baby is healthy and the mother’s life is not threatened.

California does not limit state spending on abortion, and with thousands more traveling from other states, the cost will be in the hundreds of millions. Don’t hand lawmakers a blank check to pay for abortions, and don’t let them make California an “abortion sanctuary.”

Recent in-depth polling shows that a strong majority of California voters oppose late term abortions, oppose turning California into an abortion sanctuary state, and oppose using tax dollars to pay for abortions. Prop 1 is misleading, expensive, and unnecessary – and we can stop it.

How to get involved




  • Take action on important legislation by contacting your representative
  • Oppose abortion expansion bills
  • Support expanded paid leave, hotel vouchers for homeless pregnant women, and better family support for incarcerated mothers
  • Donate to the campaign

Raise Awareness

  •  Remind parishioners to vote! Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th
  • Share pregnancy resources on social media
  • Leave resource drop cards in public restrooms! 
  • Share posters with your pastor for the back of your church.
  • Send this bulletin insert to your bulletin coordinator or parish secretary.


  • Plan service activities for Respect Life Month in October
  • Say “Congratulations!” every time someone tells you she’s pregnant. She needs to hear your excitement, that you won’t step back, that you’re going to be here with her.
  • Add the Pregnancy Help phone number to your phone contacts: 1-877-398-7734
  • Donate to your local pregnancy resource center or maternity home.
  • Throw a baby shower for moms in your church.
  • Support Options United

Prop 1 Resources

For questions or more information regarding Proposition 1, please contact Maria Valadez, Director of the Office of Respect Life & Pastoral Care, at 909-475-5352, via email at, or visit
(Ad paid for by the Roman Catholic Bishop of San Bernardino, a corporate sole.)

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